except Chris, who also has a normal route. All of the above heroines are given a route to S.

Also the Agave route from the Majikoi prequel! earn a route to S that also unlocks other special routes. Maji de Watashi Game The protagonists of Maji De Watashi are also featured in this visual novel. They even have a secret base where they meet. The different Maji de Watashi for windowschoices unlock additional dialogues, events and can also influence the final ending. The game is played in a typical visual new way by clicking through conversations and occasionally selecting one of several choices. Choose her favorite heroine and enjoy new romantic opportunities with her, or choose to start with one of five new heroines without commitment and romance. Majikoi S takes place after the events in Majikoi and lets you choose which of the many ends of Majikoi to come from. Maji The Watashi Crack is back and better than ever in this sequel to the hit 2009 visual novel. Once you’re interested in a girl, you can move on to the last part. The different choices unlock additional Maji de Watashi Patch, dialogues, events and can also influence the final ending. With the new semester, the two girls welcome into their group and soon after, things start to change.
Maji de Watashi Torrent Once you’re interested in a girl, you can move on to the last part, which is actually dating her and trying to win her heart. Spending time with a character can Maji de Watashi reloadedremove events specific to others. The first part is the prologue and introduces you to the characters and the environment, while in the second part you have to choose which route you want to follow. The game is an erotic visual novel divided into three main parts. Maji de Watashi Crack you lead the protagonist towards his true love, an ambition that can even lead to a global conflict that is representative of the comic style that dominates the script: exaggerated tropes and characters in a fairly normal Japan.
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